 사람들 교수진
유동제어 및 에너지 연구실
2011 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
2013 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
2018 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, KAIST
주요 경력
2018.03 – 2019.01 Postdoctoral Researcher, Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota
2019.02 – Present Assistant Professor, Seoul National University of Science of Technology
연구 분야
Fluid-structure-thermal interaction
Biological propulsion
Heat transfer enhancement
Renewable energy
저널 논문
◾ Numerical investigation of heat transfer performance and flows characteristics in turbine blade internal cooling using Pin-Fin arrays coupled with discontinuous ribbed endwall, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW, vol.109, 2024박성군
◾ 피동형 촉매 수소재결합기 상단부 형상에 따른 자연대류 특성 수치 해석, 한국유체기계학회, 2024박성군
◾ Numerical investigation of the flows and heat transfer characteristics of internal cooling channels with separated ribs in gas turbine blades, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, vol.36 No.3, 2024박성군
◾ Assessing the Reliability and Optimizing Input Parameters of the NWP-CFD Downscaling Method for Generating Onshore Wind Energy Resource Maps of South Korea, ENERGIES, vol.17 No.3, 2024박성군
◾ Single-and combined-source typical metrological year solar energy data modelling, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023박성군
◾ Internet of Things integrated with solar energy applications: a state‑of‑the‑art review, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023박성군
◾ Melting numerical simulation of hydrated salt phase change material in thermal management of cylindrical battery cells using enthalpy-porosity model, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023박성군
◾ Enhancement of heat transfer performance with asymmetrically inclined flexible vortex generators: a numerical analysis, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023박성군
◾ Physics-Regulated Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Natural Gas Pipleline Flow, Physics of Fluids, 2023박성군
◾ A critical review on renewable battery thermal management system using heat pipes, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, vol.148 No.16 pp.8403~8442, 2023박성군
◾ Waste to fuel: Pyrolysis of waste transformer oil and its evaluation as alternative fuel along with different nanoparticles in CI engine with exhaust gas recirculation, ENERGY, vol.267, 2023박성군
◾ Heat transfer enhancement by a pair of asymmetric flexible vortex generators and thermal performance prediction using machine learning algorithms, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, vol.200, 2023박성군
◾ Wind power forecasting based on hourly wind speed data in South Korea using machine learning algorithms, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.36 No.12 pp.6107~6113, 2022박성군
◾ 냉각 채널을 통한 PEMFC 성능 향상 수치해석, 대한기계학회논문집 B, vol.46 No.12 pp.651~659, 2022박성군
◾ Heat transfer enhancement by a flexible inverted flag with an inclination angle, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, vol.34 No.11, 2022박성군
◾ 2021년 CFD 분야 연구동향, 한국유체기계학회, 2022박성군
◾ NWP-CFD 축소화에 의한 육상풍력 자원지도 고해상도화, 한국풍공학회지, vol.26 No.1 pp.3~8, 2022박성군
◾ Numerical analysis of energy harvesting system including an inclined inverted flag, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, vol.34 No.1, 2022박성군
◾ Numerical investigation of truncated-root rib on heat transfer performance of internal cooling turbine blades, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, vol.33 No.7, 2021박성군
◾ 2020년 CFD 분야 연구동향, 한국유체기계학회, 2021박성군
◾ 머신 러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 역방향 깃발의 에너지 하베스팅 효율 예측, 한국가시화정보학회지, vol.19 No.3 pp.1~8, 2021박성군
◾ Flow-mediated interactions between two self-propelled flexible fins near sidewalls, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021박성군
◾ 까오반롱, 박성군, Lian Shen, 풍력발전기과 파도, 바람과의 상호작용에 관한 수치해석, 한국유체기계학회 동계학술대회, 제주ICC, 2023박성군
◾ 홍기훈, 박성군, Simulation of Offshore Wind Farm by Using LES-HOS Method, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2023, Osaka, JAPAN, 2023박성군
◾ 지상진, 임세환, 박성군, Drag Reduction of Circular Cylinder using Reinforcement Learning Control of Flexible Splitter:, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2023, Osaka, JAPAN, 2023박성군
◾ Van Long Cao*, Sung-Goon Park*, Lian Shen, LES-HOS 방법을 이용한 해상풍력발전기의 수치해석, 한국유체기계학회, 평창 알펜시아 , 2023박성군
◾ 응웬 득 하이*· 정재훈*·박성군*, SPARC 시설의 수동 자동 촉매 재결합 장치의 수치 시뮬레이션 및 분석, 유체기계학회, 평창 알펜시아, 2023박성군
◾ 부 다이 쥐*· 박성군*, 이상 유동 해석을 위한 CLSVOF 방법, 한국유체기계학회, 평창 알펜시아 , 2023박성군
◾ 강민식, 박성군, CLSVOF-IB 방법을 이용한 자유 표면에서의 연성체 운동 수치해석, 대한기계학회, 제주 ICC, 2022박성군
◾ 김정현, Asif Afzal, 김현구, Cong Truoung Dinh, 박성군, 저고도 풍속 자료를 이용한 기계학습 풍력예측의 신뢰성 평가, 한국태양에너지학회, 제주 오리엔탈호텔, 2022박성군
◾ 까오반롱, 박성군, Effect of swell wave and pitiching motion on off-shore wind farm, 한국전산유체공학회, 제주 신화월드, 2022박성군
◾ 부다이쥐, 박성군, Two-phase flow simulation by using coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method, 한국전산유체공학회, 제주 신화월드, 2022박성군
◾ 강민식, 박성군, 리안 셴, Kinematic of a flexible foil near an air-water interface, 한국전산유체공학회, 제주 신화월드, 2022박성군
◾ 임세환, 지상진, 박성군, Effect of the flexible splitter with an oscillation on the circular cylinder, 한국전산유체공학회, 창원 컨벤션센터, 2022박성군
◾ 신재원, 박성군, 기울어진 신축성 와류발생기를 이용한 직사각형 채널 내 열전달 향상, 한국가시화정보학회, 인천대학교, 2022박성군
◾ 저자: 박성군,임희창,배윤혁, 해상풍력에너지 시장 및 기술 동향 보고서, 편서, 9788963181882, 으뜸출판사, 2022박성군

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